University Motors 48th Birthday Party

Double Tree Hotel by Hilton 4747 28th Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

Former employees, customers, and friends are invited to celebrate John Twist's 48 years with University Motors. Join us for chili, birthday cake, raffle & cash bar. When it’s freezing outside, enjoy warm MG fellowship inside! Saturday, January 21, 2023 from 1:00– 4:00 pm The Wolverine Room at DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel 4747 28th Street SE at…

South Alabama British Car Club Tech Seminar

MG expert John Twist will conduct an all day MG Tune-up Seminar. No charge other than your lunch at a nearby restaurant. The focus of the session will be the tuning of SU carburetors with Dick Bishop’s mechanically-original 1966 MGB being the subject of John’s ministrations. Location: Daphne, AL. RSVP required by email to [email protected]

University Motors (UK) Reunion with MGCCSE

MG Car Club South East's meeting on Saturday, February 11, 2023 is a reunion of University Motors (UK) employees. Special guest John Twist will share about his time as an apprentice mechanic in Hanwell West London in 1972. Private event limited to 45 people, RSVP required. Location: Cobham, United Kingdom MG Car Club Southeast UK…

Chicagoland MG Club 2023 Annual Swap Meet

Chicagoland MG Club Annual Swap Meet All Sports Car Swap Meet and Autojumble Hosted by the Chicagoland MG Club March 26 at 8:00 am - 2:00 pm CDT DuPage County Fair Grounds 2015 Manchester Road,  Wheaton, IL 60187 The site is an indoor heated facility that is centrally located approximately 30 miles due west of downtown Chicago. Gate…

Kimber Festival 2023 in Philadelphia, PA

Note: John will NOT attend this year as originally planned due to a scheduling conflict. KIMBER FESTIVAL 2023 to Celebrate 100 Years of MG! Friday, April 28 – Saturday, April 29, 2023 Hosted by New England MG 'T' Register The Kimber Festival brings together enthusiasts who have a keen interest in MG history. Organized as an…

Quality Coaches Technical Seminar in Minneapolis

Quality Coaches 20 West 38th Street, Minneapolis, MN

John Twist is returning to Mark Brandow’s Quality Coaches shop in Minneapolis, MN for a two day MG Technical Seminar.  In the past John has discussed electricals and tune-ups, rebuilt an overdrive gearbox and an MGB short block, and performed his legendary Boot to Bonnet Complete Lubrication (inspection/lubrication/adjustment).  Come for two full days of thoroughly…

Champagne British Car Festival 2023

Champagne British Car Festival 2023 Featured Marque – All MGs Sponsored by The Illinois Flat Land British Car Club Held at David Davis Mansion in Bloomington, IL This annual event attracts over 125 British cars from Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, Missouri, and Iowa.  Activities  during the 3-Day festival include the Welcome Reception, Drives, Dinner Banquet &…


North American MGA Register Memphis, TN June 12-16, 2023

University Motors Summer Party Reunion

Double Tree Hotel by Hilton 4747 28th Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI, United States

This is the first University Motors Summer Party Reunion since 2014! We're so excited to see everyone and celebrate John Twist's 50th anniversary as an MG Technician and the 100th Anniversary of MG! Friday, August 18 and Saturday, August 19, 2023 Reunion registration is due by August 4. Hotel reservations are due by July 28.…

Central PA British Car Fest

The Central PA British Car Club, Inc. of Altoona PA announces their 29th Annual British Car Festival August 26 and 27, 2023 featuring a rolling tech seminar with John Twist of University Motors. Lakemont Park, 700 Park Ave, Altoona, PA 16602